I can hardly believe it’s already my third French Diary blog post here in Seattle! I don’t want it to end! I guess it’s a good opportunity to focus on living in the present moment, so I’ll do that. Plus I’ll have so many wonderful memories to take with me. It’s been nothing but heaps of love ever since I arrived here, from friends, students, and French Truly Salon regulars I had not seen since August 2017. Not to mention new friends and new students! I feel so lucky and grateful!
But now time for French: as you know from my 2 previous French diary blog posts (A French in Seattle part 1 + A French in Seattle part 2), their purpose is to help you practice your French so I write them in French! If you have any questions and find the dictionary to be uncooperative, leave a comment below so we can all help each other! But don’t worry I’m purposely keeping it simple, simple words, simple verbs (mostly present tense), simple sentence structures. C’est parti!
NB: I added a video testimonial from Sharon who attended the beginner French immersion course under Dimanche 17 février, as it is the day we shot it during our French pastry class at La Parisienne Bakery 🙂
Jeudi 14 février
Joyeuse Saint Valentin les amis!
Quels sont mes plans pour la Saint Valentin cette année??? Un rendez-vous avec toutes ces magnifiques personnes! Notre soirée absolument parfaite commence à 18h30. La dernière fois que j’ai présenté un French Truly Salon à SIFF (Seattle International Film Festival) était en août 2017! Mes amis, mes étudiants, les habitués du French Truly Salon sont présents, quelle émotion! Sans compter tous les nouveaux visages que je ne connaissais pas!
Avant de regarder un film français adorable et romantique (Les Femmes du 6e étage), je présente un travail sur l’évolution du mariage et le passage du mariage arrangé au mariage d’amour en Europe à partir du XVIIIe siècle pendant environ 50 minutes, puis je prends place avec le reste des invités sur un joli strapontin rouge en velours. Le film fait rire tout le monde et à la fin, nous nous levons, nous discutons pendant un moment, et autour des 22h je dis au revoir au staff de SIFF et la soirée est terminée! Je peux honnêtement affirmer que c’est la meilleure Saint Valentin que j’ai jamais passé, une soirée pleine d’amour, d’amitié, et de joie. Merci!
Vendredi 15 février
Vendredi matin, je prends un super petit-déjeuner japonais avec mes cours de philo, mes stylos, et mes surligneurs sous la main, puis vers midi, je vais retrouver mon amie Paola pour passer l’après-midi avec elle. Elle décide de m’emmener dans un endroit très intéressant, rempli de trampolines géantes où nous pouvons nous allonger et papoter… et prendre des selfies ha ha! Puis il me faut partir pour retrouver une étudiante et faire les courses pour les pique-niques français de mon week-end immersion: baguettes, charcuterie, fromages, quiches, vin, petits gâteaux, meringues, fruits bio, chocolat, vin… miam miam nous allons bien manger!
Samedi 16 février
Et voilà mon deuxième week-end immersion qui commence! Cette fois-ci, les étudiants sont débutants, mais plein de courage et de bonne humeur. Ça se voit sur la photo, n’est-ce pas? Une des étudiantes, Demi, nous a baptisés “Le groupe qui déchire” hahaha! Quand ils arrivent dans la salle ce premier matin, tout est prêt sur la table: les cours, les biscuits et les fruits pour les petits creux, et les boissons chaudes et froides.
Voici notre programme:
9h00: cours pour apprendre à nous connaître et nous préparer aux rencontres de l’après-midi
12h00: pique-nique français
14h00: rencontres avec des Français!
Véronique Bajzik, artiste peintre Jean-Claude Beck, vigneron Élise Morin, fille des boulangers / pâtissiers de La Parisienne Bakery
19h: dîner à Loulay, restaurant du “chef in the hat”
La journée se termine après le repas!
Dimanche 17 février
Et le deuxième jour de notre week-end immersion commence!
Ouf, pas de neige cette fois-ci! C’est sûr que le côté logistique est beaucoup plus simple et calme sans la neige! Voici le programme pour cette deuxième étape:
9h00: cours de conversation autour de la cuisine
12h00: pique-nique français
14h30: Cours de cuisine avec Patrick Morin fondateur de La Parisienne Bakery: ensemble nous cuisinerons des macarons et des madeleines
17h00: fin du week-end!
Avec l’aide du chef pâtissier français Patrick Morin et sa fille Élise en chef de l’organisation, nous passons une après-midi délicieuse et… très productive! Voici quelques photos et une vidéo de l’adorable Sharon pour vous mettre l’eau à la bouche et vous faire rire…
Lundi 18 février
Le week-end est terminé et une nouvelle semaine recommence! Aujourd’hui j’enseigne deux classes de français, je retrouve ma sublime life coach Marilee, je rencontre l’artiste française Géraldine le Calvez qui fera partie de mon prochain week-end immersion (il commence demain!), mon amie et ancienne colocataire Jenny vient me chercher dans le café du coin, puis nous allons dîner dans un restaurant mexicain! C’est ce que j’appelle une journée bien remplie!
Mardi 19 février
En fait, je passe tout mon temps ici soit à travailler pour French Truly, soit à passer du temps avec mes amis, soit à étudier pour mes examens qui approchent! Aujourd’hui c’est au tour de mes études de prendre le dessus! Mon amie Hildie, qui est aussi une étudiante infatigable en français, lit et révise mes cours de philo avec moi! Vous connaissez le philosophe anglais John Locke? Absolument passionnant! Entre temps elle continue à me cuisiner de sublimes plats vegan, toujours différents, toujours délicieux. Mes amis me traitent comme une princesse!
Mercredi 20 et jeudi 21 février
Philosophie (toujours John Locke suivi de Saint Thomas d’Aquin), amitié, et… soleil!!!!!
Hildie et moi marchons dans Seward Park, un de mes parcs préférés ici à Seattle, en lisant mes cours, en discutant, en nous posant des questions, et en respirant profondément l’air frais du lac et des grands arbres tout autour de nous! Quelle belle journée! Ça change de la neige de la semaine précédente!
Après notre promenade, nous sommes allées manger un gros burger tout dégoulinant de ketchup et de mayonnaise… oops!
Et voilà!
I hope this was a good French reading comprehension exercice for you and look forward to sharing more next week!
Only 1 spot left!
There is only 1 spot left so you can still join me in France this July! Above is a short video that will show you what to expect along with testimonials from all participants!
Join me in London this August! Above is a short testimonial video by Richard to give you an idea of what to expect!
Join me in Seattle in March 2020! Demi attended a French immersion Weekend Course in Seattle this year and she’s sharing her experience with you on this short video!
100% French Experience
What inspired me to create this French Immersion Course? C’est très simple: how best to improve your French conversation skills than by being in France, surrounded with French culture and French people who will ONLY speak French to you? Yet so many times I have heard visitors express their disappointment at not really being given the chance to practice their French. Why? Because more & more French people, especially in big cities, speak English fairly well and are just so excited to practice their new skills with you! This ends up being nice and comfortable for you but not so satisfying or helpful for improving your French speaking ability! So to fix this and make sure you have the most enjoyable, and at the same time profitable, French learning experience, I decided to create the perfect environment for you by organizing this hands-on French Immersion Course.
FRANCE 2019 July 8 to 14: This French Immersion Course is designed for intermediate level students. ONLY 1 SPOT LEFT.
LONDON UK 2019 August 3 & 4: This French Immersion Course is designed for intermediate level students. 2019 August 1 & 4:11This French Immersion Course is designed for beginner level students.
SEATTLE US 2020 March 7 & 8: This French Immersion Course is designed for intermediate level students. 2020 March 14 & 15: This French Immersion Course is designed for beginner level students.
If you’re unsure about your level, contact me to schedule a free Skype call
Daily French Classes & Activities
This is the reason why I have created this 7 DAY FULL FRENCH IMMERSION COURSE for you, filled with daily classes & enriching adventures with French people who will only speak French with you. No English! It’s amazing how much you can learn and retain in such a conducive atmosphere in as little as 7 days. Mornings will be dedicated to French language classes and afternoons will be filled with interesting activities such as: visiting local artists or entrepreneurs workshops, meeting with local wine makers and farmers, guided hike in nature, cooking class, painting class, cinema, & museum… all in French!
RECEIVE VIRGINIE’S FREE COURSE to Help You Become a little bit French in 3 Steps.
Learn French Online with Virginie via the French Truly Online School
Learn French with Virginie via her French Immersion Courses in France, in London UK, and in Seattle US.
Watch Testimonials from Virginie’s Happy Students!
Learn French online with Virginie
Join French Truly’s online school, either by buying the French online course(s) of your choice or by becoming a monthly member. See more details about the membership at the bottom of this page
Each French online course is packed with video & audio files along with written material, to make it as fun, easy, and user friendly as possible for you! Come and learn French online with me!
In this course, you will find 15 videos (+ 10 bonus ones) to help & accompany you every step of the way through the course + for each word, each sentence, each expression, each conjugated verb, I have created an audio file of my voice, slow and slightly faster speed. Your French language learning experience has never been so easy, fun, and fruitful. You can learn French online and benefit from the flexibility working at your own pace offers, while having me with you the whole time.
Did you know…
You can converse (speak + understand) in French with only 600 WORDS?
The average French person only uses between 300 & 3,000 WORDS?
This means that if you can master a relatively short list of words, you’ll be able to express yourself like the average French person! Plus you’re much more likely to understand the French when they talk back to you!
This course will teach you…
1- How to speak French
2- How to pronounce French
3- How to make French sentences
4- How to conjugate all the most common French verbs
5- How to polish your results
6- How to self evaluate your French
More info HERE
It should take you about 30 hours to complete this course, which is made up of 10 lessons
This course is designed for a beginner / intermediate level. If you are intermediate but feel like you could really reinforce your foundations, you will love it.
You can join whenever, either by buying the course or by becoming a monthly member giving you access to my French online courses from $10 / month. See more details about the membership at the bottom of this page
In this course you will find 11 videos + 150 audio files + 92 pages PDF format to help & accompany you every step of the way throughout the course. In some parts of the videos, my face will appear close up and profile so you can easily see how I make these sounds with my mouth. The 150 audio files are composed of the 100 most popular French words and the 50 most common French phrases. They are recordings of my voice, speaking slowly enough so you can easily grasp every syllable. Your French language learning experience has never been so easy, fun, and fruitful. You can learn French online and benefit from the flexibility working at your own pace offers, while having me with you the whole time.
NB: if you are the proud owner of my previous French online course 600 WORDS, don’t worry, this is not a repeat as we are now exploring 1 letter words and up, whereas in 600 WORDS we began at 4 letter words and up.
Combine knowledge with confidence…
For you to be able to have a pleasant and efficient conversation with a French person, one thing is key… can you guess what it is? Confidence! How well do you think you will communicate in French if you don’t feel confident about your accent? If you are scared that people won’t understand you? Or even worse if you think someone might make fun of you? Without a minimum of confidence there is no room for communication. Yet if you feel confident, you can afford to make a few mistakes here and there because people will still understand you. What prevents a conversation from happening isn’t just a lack of knowledge, it’s also a lack of confidence. You need to have both to make it work, not to mention, to make it fun!
This course will teach you…
1- How to pronounce every letter of the alphabet
2- How to pronounce every digraph & trigraph
3- How to make every French sentence flow
4- How to pronounce the 100 most popular French words
5- How to pronounce the 50 most popular French phrases
6- How to avoid the pronunciation mistakes everyone makes
More info HERE
It should take you about 20 to 2 hours to complete this course, which is made up of 11 lessons
This course is designed for a beginner level. If you are intermediate but lack confidence when it comes to talking and feel like you could really benefit from focusing on pronunciation, you will love it.
You can join whenever, either by buying the course or by becoming a monthly member giving you access to my French online courses from $10 / month. See more details about the membership below
Become a monthly member!
My goal is to transform your French language learning experience. This is why I’ve decided to offer you a new way to learn French online and gain access to the French Truly Online School! Actually, more than 1 new way, you’ll have 3 plans to choose from so come and learn French online with me!
Whichever you pick, FOCUS at $10, HORIZON at $15, or IMMERSION at $99, you will always be free to either upgrade or downgrade, stay or leave.
Not a membership kind of person? Don’t worry! Every course can still be bought separately at the normal price and be yours for ever. Whichever format you choose, your French language learning experience has never been so easy, fun, and fruitful. You can learn French online and benefit from the flexibility working at your own pace offers, while having me with you the whole time.