Our French Book Club February / March 2025 is sold out. The groups are small (5 people max for a cosy and fruitful experience) so the spots go quickly, first with current participants and people on the wait list who find out about the next book club before everyone else does.
If you wish you could have participated (Neige is a poignant life, quest of absolute, and love story), let me know by answering this email. If I have enough interest, I will open another group on 4 consecutive Fridays :
February 14th
February 21st
February 28th
March 7th
As always we will meet at 6pm French time, for 1.5 hours, on Zoom. The class will be recorded so you can watch it again later as many times as you'd like. When I say "you" I mean the participants, it obviously won't be shared with anyone anywhere else.
I will also send you your weekly homework to help you prepare (and make sure you work hard) for each meeting.
Let me share with you here what it says on the back cover of the book
"Dand le Japon raffiné du XIXe siècle, le jeune Yuko a choisi sa voie : il sera poète, contre l'avis de son père. Soseki, l'ancien Samouraï et vieux peintre aveugle, lui enseignera l'art du haïku. Entre les deux hommes plane l'image obsédante d'une femme disparue dans les neiges... Une langue épurée, concise et sans artifices, qui parle d'amour de la vie et de quête d'absolu."
Price & Benefits
The whole course costs €249 (or €41.5 / hour) and includes :
6 hours of class
Personalized weekly homework and follow up emails to help you go deeper
Recordings of each class and notes so you can revisit
PDF version of the book
Come improve your French comprehension and conversational skills in a completely safe and friendly environment.
You'll practice reading, speaking, listening, expanding your French!
You'll learn French grammar & conjugation in a natural way thanks to a practical context.
And last but not least : relax! I’m here to manage our time together and make sure everyone participates as much as anyone else.
Do you have questions or do you want to join the wait list?
Looking forward to exploring this wonderful book with you!