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This is my Favorite Way to Learn a Language

Writer's picture: Virginie ParadisVirginie Paradis

One of my most favorite ways to learn a language is… to sing it!

I did it for English, Italian, and Portuguese, and it helped me tremendously!

Why? So many reasons:

1- It’s like learning a whole lesson worth but it’s fun and cool, because it’s a song!

2- It is sooo much easier to remember sentence structures, new vocabulary, verbs, pronunciation than if you were learning at school because the melody conveniently sticks it all to your brains.

3- And expressions! Every day casual speaking that your textbook won’t teach you!

4- You know I’m all about the culture. When you are familiar with a French singer, a song, and you even know the lyrics, truly understand what they mean, and can sing along, you are this much closer to being a little bit French!

5- Let me tell you, the first time you’ll be able to naturally sing along the song will be a huge feel good moment! You’ll be so proud! And then it gets better! How, you can sing that same song, only this time you don’t even need to look at the words! Now, this is the ultimate reward and man will you feel cool! Très très cool.

6- And of course, singing is wonderful. It makes you feel alive.

Ok enough talking now. Ladies & Gentlemen, let’s sing!

The song is by Charles Aznavour, from the 60’s, les années 60, and it is called Désormais.

I picked this song because in class last week a student said “I don’t know why I can never remember what désormais means! How can I remember? I need a way to remember!” So I thought of this song. I guarantee you when you are done with it, you will never forget what désormais means! (now, from now on, henceforth)

I love this song, it’s dramatic, powerful, heart breaking. It ruins your digestion. It’s wonderful.


Désormais – From now on

On ne nous verra plus ensemble – Never again will we be seen together

Désormais – From now on

Mon cœur vivra sous les décombres – My heart will live under the rubble

De ce monde qui nous ressemble – Of this world resembling us

Et que le temps a dévasté – And devastated by time

Désormais – From now on

Ma voix ne dira plus « je t’aime » – Never again will my voice utter ‘I love you’

Désormais – From now on

Moi qui voulais être ton ombre – I, who wanted to be your shadow

Je serai l’ombre de moi-même – Will be a mere shadow of myself

Ma main de ta main séparée – My hand parted from yours

Jamais plus – Never again

Nous ne mordrons au même fruit – Will we bite into the same fruit

Ne dormirons au même lit – Will we sleep in the same bed

Ne referons les mêmes gestes – Will we repeat the same moves

Jamais plus – Never again

Ne connaîtrons la même peur – Will we experience the same fear

De voir s’enfuir notre bonheur – Of seeing our bliss running away

Et du reste désormais – And moreover, from now on

Désormais – From now on

Les gens nous verrons l’un sans l’autre – People will only ever see us apart

Désormais – From now on

Nous changerons nos habitudes – We will change our habits

Et ces mots que je croyais nôtres – And those words I thought belonged to us

Tu les diras dans d’autres bras – You will say in someone else’s arms

Désormais – From now on

Je garderai ma porte close – I will keep my door closed

Désormais – From now on

Enfermé dans ma solitude – Locked away in my solitude

Je traînerai parmi les choses – I will hang around those things

Qui parleront toujours de toi – That will forevermore tell of you

Jamais plus – Never again

Nous ne mordrons au même fruit – Will we bite into the same fruit

Ne dormirons au même lit – Will we sleep in the same bed

Ne referons les mêmes gestes – Will we repeat the same moves

Jamais plus – Never again

Ne connaîtrons la même peur – Will we experience the same fear

De voir s’enfuir notre bonheur – Of seeing our bliss running away

Et du reste désormais – And moreover, from now on

On ne nous verra plus ensemble – Never again will we be seen together


Now you can do this with any song!

Here’s what you do. Go on the Internet, type the name of the singer and song you want followed by the word “paroles” (that’s lyrics in French) and you’re good to go!


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