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Sing French Love

Writer's picture: Virginie ParadisVirginie Paradis

Sing French Love because it’s beautiful, because Valentine’s Day shouldn’t last only one day, and because it’s an extremely efficient way to learn the French language and culture while having fun and being in touch with the simplicity of being.

The love song I have chosen for you may be a little older than me, yet it never ever gets old. Francis Cabrel is a lovely singer song writer with a phenomenal career (1974 – present) and I guess you could call him a French hippie romantic pillar. Look how cute he was when he started!

It is hard for me to pick only one song for today’s blog post so I encourage you to look him up and maybe try these songs too: Petite Marie, Je t’aimais je t’aime et je t’aimerai, C’est écrit, Je l’aime à mourir, Il faudra leur dire, Octobre, Hors saison… type the titles in youtube and look for the lyrics in google!

But enough said! It is now time for L’encre de tes yeux, the ink of your eyes! Enjoy!

The French lyrics and English translation is below plus, and that is a big plus, the song is slow, which makes it very easy for you to follow it. The fact that he speaks and sings with the beautiful accent du sud ouest also helps because he pronounces every syllabe.

Puisqu’on ne vivra jamais tous les deux – Since we will never live together Puisqu’on est fou, puisqu’on est seuls – Since we are crazy, since we are alone Puisqu’ils sont si nombreux – Since there’s so many of them Même la morale parle pour eux – Even morality is on their side J’aimerais quand même te dire – I would still like to tell you Tout ce que j’ai pu écrire – All that I was able to write Je l’ai puisé à l’encre de tes yeux – I drew it from the ink of your eyes

Je n’avais pas vu que tu portais des chaînes – I had not seen you were wearing chains À trop vouloir te regarder – By wanting to look at you so much J’en oubliais les miennes – I managed to forget mine On rêvait de Venise et de liberté – We dreamt of Venice and of freedom J’aimerais quand même te dire – I would still like to tell you Tout ce que j’ai pu écrire – All that I was able to write C’est ton sourire qui me l’a dicté – It is your smile that dictated it to me

Tu viendras longtemps marcher dans mes rêves – You will come walking into my dreams for a long time Tu viendras toujours du côté – You will always come from the side where Où le soleil se lève – The sun rises Et si malgré ça j’arrive à t’oublier – And if despite all this I manage to forget you J’aimerais quand même te dire – I would still like to tell you Tout ce que j’ai pu écrire – All that I was able to write Aura longtemps le parfum des regrets – Will have the scent of regret for a long time

Mais – But Puisqu’on ne vivra jamais tous les deux – Since we will never live together Puisqu’on est fou, puisqu’on est seuls – Since we are crazy, since we are alone Puisqu’ils sont si nombreux – Since there’s so many of them Même la morale parle pour eux – Even morality is on their side J’aimerais quand même te dire – I would still like to tell you Tout ce que j’ai pu écrire – All that I was able to write Je l’ai puisé à l’encre de tes yeux – I drew it from the ink of your eyes

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J’espère parce que j’adore Francis Cabrel. And now go listen to C’est écrit because I was really torn between the two.

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