How long does a trend last these days?
Let’s see… bell bottoms, scrunchies, leather pants, mullets, work out leg warmers… a season, a year, a decade? And let’s be honest, it’s not always a tragedy that they don’t.
But what about trends that actually do last? For… 300 years?
On September 1st 1715, exactly 300 years ago, the French Sun King Louis XIV died in his beautiful Versailles, leaving behind quite the legacy. He directly and indirectly started so many trends, some of them still alive today!
How impressive! Do you have any idea what trend I am referring to? I shareda few of them on K5 New Day this morning and here is the video! Amusez-vous bien!
So? Which one is your favorite?
And I didn’t get enough time to talk about his love for shoes… these TV segments go so fast! Men generally wore above the knee boots… until Louis XIV. What changed? Louis being very fond of his legs decided it would be a shame to hide them. Oui! To hell with these boots! Let us see some sexy French King legs in shiny tights!
We are being silly here but in any case, from that moment on boots were only destined to hunting and never made it back to standard men’s fashion. Pas mal Louis XIV!