How to practice French prepositions, ask questions, review your imparfait, and learn new geographic terms in only one blog post?
That’s easy, just ask Serge Gainsbourg.
In 1967, he and Jean-Loup Dabadie write a musical called Anna starring among a few others, Serge Gainsbourg & Ann Karina. Gainsbourg also writes the song you’re about to listen to, Sous le soleil exactement or Under the sun exactly.

What is the musical about? The boss of a Parisian advertising agency falls in love with the picture of an anonymous young woman, played by Anna Karina in picture above. With the help of a friend and of his employees, he decides to drop everything to go look for her.
Anna Karina also sang Sous le soleil exactement, if you are curious I am adding her version after the lyrics, although I prefer Gainsbourg’s voice and the flavor he brings to the tune. That’s why I chose his first! Let me know what you think in the comments!
Allons-y! Let’s go!
Sous le soleil exactement
(I’m not sure a French grammar class is what Gainsbourg had in mind when we wrote this song but… it works for us! You will see French prepositions, how to ask questions, a little imparfait, and plenty of geographic terms throughout the song!)
I'll give you the version chantée par Serge Gainsbourg, and then la même chanson only this time chantée par Ann Karina. Laquelle préférez-vous ?
Un point précis sous le tropique – A precise point under the Tropic Du Capricorne ou du Cancer – Of Capricorn or of Cancer Depuis, j’ai oublié lequel – Since then, I’ve forgotten which one Sous le soleil exactement – Under the sun exactly Pas à côté, pas n’importe où – Not close by, not anywhere Sous le soleil, sous le soleil – Under the sun, under the sun Exactement, juste en dessous – Exactly, right underneath
Dans quel pays, dans quel district ? – In what country, in what district? C’était tout au bord de la mer – Was it by the sea Depuis, j’ai oublié laquelle – Since then, I’ve forgotten which Sous le soleil exactement – Under the sun exactly Pas à côté, pas n’importe où – Not close by, not anywhere Sous le soleil, sous le soleil – Under the sun, under the sun Exactement, juste en dessous – Exactly, right underneath
Était-ce le Nouveau-Mexique – Was it New Mexico Vers le Cap Horn – Towards Cape Horn Vers le Cap Vert – Towards Cape Verde Était-ce sur un archipel ? – Was it on an archipelago? Sous le soleil exactement – Under the sun exactly Pas à côté, pas n’importe où – Not close by, not anywhere Sous le soleil, sous le soleil – Under the sun, under the sun Exactement, juste en dessous – Exactly, right underneath
C’est sûrement un rêve érotique – It must be an erotic dream Que je me fais les yeux ouverts – That I dream with my eyes open Et pourtant si c’était réel ? – However, what if it was real? Sous le soleil exactement – Under the sun exactly Pas à côté, pas n’importe où – Not close by, not anywhere Sous le soleil, sous le soleil – Under the sun, under the sun Exactement, juste en dessous – Exactly, right underneath