C’est presque Halloween! It’s almost Halloween! It is more & more celebrated in France although sadly we only inherited the scary aspect and none of the cute running around little children. There are so many ways to express fear and our body becomes engaged in so many ways when we feel scared!
Vous êtes prêt?
First of all, you know that we often use le verbe avoir, to have, in expressions which normally take le verbe être, to be, in English, such as avoir peur, to have fear, which means to be scared.
Last night, I was about to turn off the light to go to sleep when… Je vois un affreux monstre dans ma chambre! I see a horrible monster in my bedroom!
Mon coeur bat la chamade = My heart is beating very fast
Mes dents claquent = My teeth are chattering
J’ai la gorge nouée = I have a knot in my throat
J’ai la chair de poule = I have goose bumps
Mes mains deviennent moites = My hands are becoming sweaty
Mon sang se glace dans mes veines = My blood is like ice in my veins
Je tremble comme une feuille = I am shaking like a leave
J’ai les jambes comme du coton = My legs are like cotton
The monster is walking towards me………
Je hurle de terreur = I scream with terror………
Et… oh…
C’est Bruno.
He’s a fairly frightening dog.
Bruno tu m’as fait une peur bleue! Pourquoi bleu? Because the fear took all my healthy colors away as well as the oxygen out of my blood.