There are 2 main points in this post.
First and you understand it with the titles, there are some typical mistakes that pretty much all of the Francophiles I know have made or are still making. I have noticed some that come up more often than others. I want to share these with you so you don’t have to make them.
Secondly, I really really really want to emphasize the fact that making mistakes is not the end of the world. In fact, it is very much part of the learning experience. Too many people, me included, are so afraid to make mistakes that we rob ourselves of fun experiences. Not good. Pas bien.
In this video, I am sharing one particular mistake that my French Maman made when she first visited me when I lived in London. The motivation behind this is certainly not to make fun of my mom, but to dedramatize the whole mistake business by showing how adorably cute it can be!
So what do you think? Did you ever make those mistakes? What mistakes have you been making (from the video or others) that you finally became aware of? Do you have a funny story to share in the comments around making French mistakes?