Last month and today, I’m sharing with you the 10 most popular French verbs, in other words, crucial verbs for you to know absolutely by heart!
(You’ll also find at the bottom of this blog post, Rebecca’s video testimonial about the French Truly Immersion she just took with me in France with a small group of students! Enjoy!)
What gave me the idea for this video is the online French language course I recently launched called 600 WORDS. This online French language course will prove to you you can express yourself like the average French person with only 600 words. You will gain access to 15 videos (+ 10 bonus ones) to help & accompany you every step of the way through the French language course + for each word, each sentence, each expression, each conjugated verb, I have created an audio file of my voice, at a slow and a slightly faster speed. Adding the registration link to this French language course HERE.
5 Most Popular French Verbs (part 2)
But for now, let’s have a look at the second part of our 10 most popular French verbs, last month in part 1 I gave you the top 5, today you will learn the other 5. You’ll notice 3 of the verbs are irregular while 2 are regular. Regular is definitely easier and if you don’t yet know why, you will soon understand. In any case, I am about to conjugate each verb in the present tense and make a purposely very simple short sentence to accompany every single subject! Just so you know, the sentences are a lot deeper in the 600 WORDS French language course, I’m keeping it extra simple HERE in THIS video you’re watching to focus on the conjugation of verbs while producing a short enough and quickly digestible video. Are you ready? Vous êtes prêt?
Last month we covered 5 verbs, which were to be, to have, to go, to be able to, and to want.
The sixth most used French verb is faire = to do or to make. This verb is SO important to know. If you’ve already been learning French for a while, I’m sure you’ve noticed we use it everywhere! To shop is faire du shopping, to ride a bike is faire du vélo, to say the weather is nice you say il fait beau, to sulk is faire la tête, and I could keep going for ever! Faire is not regular.
I’M MAKING crêpes = JE FAIS des crêpes
ARE YOU SULKING? = TU FAIS la tête? (that’s the casual you)
SHE’S DOING her work = ELLE FAIT son travail
HE’S DOING the dishes = IL FAIT la vaisselle
WE HIKE on Sundays = NOUS FAISONS UNE RANDONNÉE les dimanches
YOU MAKE too much noise = VOUS FAITES trop de bruit (that’s the formal you, or you all)
THEY’RE MAKING a chocolate cake = ELLES / ILS FONT un gâteau au chocolat
The seventh most used French verb is parler = to speak. Finally! A regular verb! Unlike the 6 we’ve seen so far, parler is regular, which means all you have to do is take the last 2 letters of the infinitive out, so you take er out of parler and you are left with the root parl. Now all you have to do is add the regular relevant ending for each subject, as follows:
I SPEAK French = JE PARLE français – ending for je is E
YOU SPEAK Italian = TU PARLES italien – ending for tu is ES
SHE SPEAKS Spanish = ELLE PARLE espagnol – ending for elle is E
HE SPEAKS Hebrew = IL PARLE hébreu – ending for il is E
WE SPEAK English = NOUS PARLONS anglais – ending for nous is ONS
YOU SPEAK German = VOUS PARLEZ allemand – ending for vous is EZ
THEY SPEAK Portuguese = ELLES / ILS PARLENT portugais – ending for elles & ils is ENT
The eighth most used French verb is demander = to ask. How convenient the next verb happens to be regular too so you will notice how I’m about to build demander exactly like I built parler. I take the last 2 letters of the infinitive out, so you take er out of demander and you are left with the root demand. Now all you have to do is add the regular relevant ending for each subject, as follows:
I ASK him his name = JE lui DEMANDE son nom – ending for je is E
YOU’RE ASKING why = TU DEMANDES pourquoi – ending for tu is ES
SHE’S ASKING if she can leave = ELLE DEMANDE si elle peut partir – ending for elle is E
HE’S ASKING for her hand = IL DEMANDE sa main – ending for il is E
WE ASK what time it is = NOUS DEMANDONS quelle heure il est – ending for nous is ONS
YOU ASK nicely = VOUS DEMANDEZ gentiment – ending for vous is EZ
THEY’RE ASKING for my advice = ELLES / ILS me DEMANDENT conseil – ending for elles & ils is ENT
Have you noticed how I built both parler and demander following the exact same logic. Take the last 2 letters – er- out of the infinitive. You are left with the root. You plug in the regular endings to the regular root. Et voilà!
The ninth most used French verb is savoir = to know a fact or to know ho to do something. And sorry back to irregular for the next and last 2 verbs!
I KNOW you’re here = JE SAIS que tu es ici
YOU KNOW I’m here = TU SAIS que je suis ici
SHE KNOWS how to drive = ELLE SAIT conduire
HE KNOWS it’s true = IL SAIT que c’est vrai
WE KNOW how to swim = NOUS SAVONS nager
YOU KNOW who he is = VOUS SAVEZ qui il est
THEY KNOW everything = ELLES / ILS SAVENT tout
The tenth most used French verb and our last one for today is venir = to come
I’M COMING to the meeting = JE VIENS à la réunion
DO YOU COME from France = TU VIENS de France?
SHE’S COMING with her dog = ELLE VIENT avec son chien
HE’S COMING with me = IL VIENT avec moi
WE COME from the United-States = NOUS VENONS des États-Unis
YOU COME from far = VOUS VENEZ de loin
THEY COME when they want to = ELLES / ILS VIENNENT quand elles / ils veulent
Et voilà! Now you have in 2 videos the top 10 French verbs, fully conjugated in the present tense, subject by subject, line by line: être, avoir, aller, pouvoir, vouloir, faire, parler, demander, savoir, et venir.
Make sure to subscribe for free to my 3 STEP MINI COURSE to help you become a little bit French, which will mean you’ll receive special French treats & videos every Thursday in your inbox directly from me.
If you like this video, you’ll love my French language course 600 WORDS! This online French language course will prove to you you can express yourself like the average French person with only 600 words. You will gain access to 15 videos (+ 10 bonus ones) to help & accompany you every step of the way through the French language course + for each word, each sentence, each expression, each conjugated verb, I have created an audio file of my voice, slow and slightly faster speed. Adding the registration link to this French language course HERE.
Here’s some feedback from Allan, one of my online students
“Congratulations on your course, I’ve just started with the nouns, and so so far I’m loving it! The pronunciation is probably the best I’ve encountered. The recording quality is excellent, everything comes through clearly without any technical issues. The manner in which the words and phases are presented are instructional in clear and challenging ways. Students are presented words and phrases throughout and one finds different ways in which the material is reinforced without sounding repetitive.
I need to talk about the pronunciation separately. I’ve listened to a lot of French speakers on the Internet (I’m listening to the French news while writing this), the pronunciation and breakdown is the best you’ll find, without question. One is able to hear how each letter and syllable is spoken with perfection, which sounds real at the same time. No computer generated phrases or disinterested speakers, it’s as though as Virginie is right there speaking! The subtle qualities of the French language that I find so beautiful (the r sounds, liaison…) and what draws me to the language are broken down and delivered in a way that’s easy to hear and understand, clearly.
If you want to hear a phrase repeated you can easily do that without disrupting the rythme of the program, very helpful. And I’m doing all of this from my iPhone! I could go on, but I’m running late, I love this course! Merci Virginie!”
Allan Kupczak
And last but not least, in case you didn’t know yet, I organize & teach full French Immersion Courses here in France. We just finished one course last Sunday, which was beyond wonderful, so I wanted to share one testimonial with you, this time by Rebecca, but I will share all the others soon.