Today and next week, I want to share with you the 10 most popular French verbs, in other words, crucial verbs for you to know absolutely by heart!
What gave me the idea for this video is the online French language course I recently launched called 600 WORDS. This online French language course will prove to you you can express yourself like the average French person with only 600 words. You will gain access to 15 videos (+ 10 bonus ones) to help & accompany you every step of the way through the French language course + for each word, each sentence, each expression, each conjugated verb, I have created an audio file of my voice, slow and slightly faster speed. Adding the registration link to this French language course HERE.
5 Most Popular French Verbs (part 1)
But for now, let’s have a look at the 5 most popular French verbs, and next week in part 2, I’ll give you the other 5! Just to warn you, these first 5 verbs are all irregular which means they’re not as easy to learn because they’re not regular. But, it’s really important for you to learn them! So to help you, I will conjugate each verb in the present tense and make a purposely very simple short sentence to accompany every single subject! Just so you know, the sentences are a lot deeper in the 600 WORDS French language course, I’m keeping it extra simple HERE in THIS video you’re watching to focus on the conjugation of verbs while producing a short enough and quickly digestible video. Are you ready? Or should I say… vous êtes prêt?
The top one is of course être = to be. It’s used in French as much as it’s used in English. All the time. You will notice, it is irregular.
I AM happy = JE SUIS contente
YOU ARE handsome = TU ES beau (that’s the casual you)
SHE IS late = ELLE EST en retard
HE IS lost = IL EST perdu
WE ARE the best group = NOUS SOMMES le meilleur groupe
YOU ARE on the picture = VOUS ÊTES sur la photo (that’s the formal you, or you all)
THEY ARE too impatient = ELLES / ILS SONT trop impatientes
The second most used French verb is avoir = to have. Also irregular.
I HAVE two dogs = J’AI deux chiens
YOU HAVE a big car = TU AS une grosse voiture (that’s the casual you)
SHE HAS a lot of money = ELLE A beaucoup d’argent
HE HAS a headache = IL A mal à la tête
WE HAVE a few questions = NOUS AVONS quelques questions
YOU HAVE everything = VOUS AVEZ tout (that’s the formal you, or you all)
THEY HAVE a marvelous family = ELLES ONT une merveilleuse famille (that’s if you’re talking about women) and Ils ont une merveilleuse famille (if you’re talking about men or a mixed group)
The third most used French verb is aller = to go
I’M GOING on vacation tomorrow = JE VAIS en vacances demain
ARE YOU GOING to the theater with him? = TU VAS au cinéma avec lui? (that’s the casual you)
SHE IS GOING to the United States = ELLE VA aux États-Unis
HE IS GOING to the café with his wife = IL VA au café avec sa femme
WE GO to the concert together = NOUS ALLONS au concert ensemble
YOU GO to France once a year = VOUS ALLEZ en France une fois par an (that’s the formal you, or you all)
THEY’RE GOING to the market = ELLES / ILS VONT au marché
The fourth most used French verb is pouvoir = can or be able to or be allowed to
CAN I tell you something? = JE PEUX te dire quelque chose?
YOU CAN speak English = TU PEUX parler Français (that’s the casual you)
SHE CAN leave now = ELLE PEUT partir maintenant
HE CAN hear our conversation = IL PEUT entendre notre conversation
WE CAN be heroes = NOUS POUVONS être des héros
YOU CAN call tonight = VOUS POUVEZ m’appeler ce soir (that’s the formal you, or you all)
THEY CAN dance all night long = ELLES / ILS PEUVENT danser toute la nuit
The fifth most used French verb is vouloir = to want and good news, it’s conjugated just like pouvoir! One nice thing about the irregular verbs is that you will find a lot of recurring patterns throughout them all.
I WANT everything = JE VEUX tout
YOU WANT to invite me = TU VEUX m’inviter (that’s the casual you)
SHE WANTS her coffee now = ELLE VEUT son café maintenant
HE WANTS to speak French = IL VEUT parler Français
WE WANT to come with you = NOUS VOULONS venir avec vous
YOU WANT a big picnic = VOUS VOULEZ un gros pique-nique (that’s the formal you, or you all)
THEY WANT a house in the countryside = ELLES / ILS VEULENT une maison à la campagne
Have you noticed the similarity between the conjugated versions of pouvoir – can – and vouloir – to want? That’s one of the nice things about the French irregular verbs, yes they take a little longer to remember than regular verbs, but if you pay attention, there are lots of little tricks to help your memory!
And stay tuned because next week, I will share with you the other 5 verbs so you’ll have your full, and very useful, list of the 10 most commonly used verbs in French.
If you like this video, you’ll love my French language course 600 WORDS! This online French language course will prove to you you can express yourself like the average French person with only 600 words. You will gain access to 15 videos (+ 10 bonus ones) to help & accompany you every step of the way through the French language course + for each word, each sentence, each expression, each conjugated verb, I have created an audio file of my voice, slow and slightly faster speed. Adding the registration link to this French language course HERE.

Here’s some feedback from Allan, one of my subscribers
“Congratulations on your course, I’ve just started with the nouns, and so so far I’m loving it! The pronunciation is probably the best I’ve encountered. The recording quality is excellent, everything comes through clearly without any technical issues. The manner in which the words and phases are presented are instructional in clear and challenging ways. Students are presented words and phrases throughout and one finds different ways in which the material is reinforced without sounding repetitive.
I need to talk about the pronunciation separately. I’ve listened to a lot of French speakers on the Internet (I’m listening to the French news while writing this), the pronunciation and breakdown is the best you’ll find, without question. One is able to hear how each letter and syllable is spoken with perfection, which sounds real at the same time. No computer generated phrases or disinterested speakers, it’s as though as Virginie is right there speaking! The subtle qualities of the French language that I find so beautiful (the r sounds, liaison…) and what draws me to the language are broken down and delivered in a way that’s easy to hear and understand, clearly.
If you want to hear a phrase repeated you can easily do that without disrupting the rythme of the program, very helpful. And I’m doing all of this from my iPhone! I could go on, but I’m running late, I love this course! Merci Virginie!”
Allan Kupczak