For some it has.
The French live today in a society of pleasure and control. We agree to love each other but certainly not to suffer.
Yet romanticism is a package that includes passionate declarations, promise of eternal love, but also potential for tremendous pain.
In today’s France, two tendencies are prevalent:
1- The “friend plus” with whom we may have occasional sex when nothing better is available. The concept is to avoid at all cost commitment or sentimental illusion. Clearly this is not an ideal to thrive for, at least for the romantic souls out there!
2- The ever growing popularity of dating websites where it is made possible to look for a partner taking into account very pragmatic criteria such as age, city, salary, color of the eyes etc. all these elements that tend to transform the other into a product. France’s favorite dating website
But there is another more positive way to look at all this!
It could just be that romanticism is far from dead and that these are merely the new tools for the search of love. After all, the promise of these websites is true love.
As we say in French “L’Amour avec un grand A” Amour with a big A, the letter A.
No more love notes but instead text messages. No more Prince charming on his white horse but instead we fantasize for weeks about a stranger with whom we chatted on the web and we spend hours imagining our first encounter! Maybe it’s not that different in the end?
Want to find out more about French love today and its origin?
Come to my one day workshop “Become a little bit French… in love!” and travel through the centuries (starting with the 12th until today) and become an expert in French love!