My friend Linda (Linda I hope you are reading this!) recently made a list of fun slang French words and expressions and I loved it so much I decided to share it with you!
If you are one of these people who think French is a little difficult and complicated, here’s something fun you should like… you know what we do with French words? We cut them in half! We do it a lot! Why? I don’t know, could be our guillotine heritage?!?
Anyways, here’s a list of now short French words for you. Enjoy!
I’m giving you the full expression or word first and then, its guillotined version! Ha!
Comme d’habitude = Comme d’hab (as usual)
D’accord = D’ac (ok)
Bon appétit = Bon app (enjoy your food)
Bonne après-midi = Bonne aprèm (have a good afternoon)
Un petit déjeuner = Un p’tit dej (a breakfast)
Un anniversaire = Un anniv (a birthday)
And then we also have all these words ending in O…
Un restaurant = Un resto (a restaurant)
Un apéritif = Un apéro (a pre meal drink)
Un intellectuel = Un intello (an intellectual)
Un propriétaire = Un proprio (an owner)
Un vétérinaire = Un véto (a vet)
Un gynécologue = Un gynéco (a gynecologist)
And many more!
See how we make it easy, nice, and short for you!