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Writer's pictureVirginie Paradis

3 Things you didn’t know about Marie-Antoinette

Marie-Antoinette is one of the greatest icons of the 18th century. That’s 3 centuries ago, yet she remains the Ultimate Universal Queen! No matter who you are, where you live, what generation you belong to, you know Marie-Antoinette! Some admire her and see her as the grandest Queen of France, some despise her and see her as the biggest brat of France. One way or the other, she clearly fascinates!

October 16th will be the 222nd anniversary of her death! To celebrate her and help you discover more of her, I have created a spécial Marie-Antoinette series of 4 episodes. For this first episode, I decided to share with you “3 Things you didn’t know about Marie-Antoinette”. Enjoy!

I hope you loved the video and learned a lot! 3 more Marie-Antoinette episodes are coming your way between now and mid-October. We’ll end our theme with the Soirée Marie-Antoinette on October 16th. Here is a quick overview but you can always click here for more info!

Soirée Marie-Antoinette

-Discover a very unique Marie-Antoinette

-Find out all her secrets and her incredible strength

-Eat her favorite food

-Drink Champagne

-Listen to her favorite music in the background!

JOIN US! I promise I won’t get my guillotine out… By the way, did you know the guillotine was the way to execute people in France until the death penalty was abolished by Président François Mitterrand in 1981? The last person condemned to death in France lost his head in 1977. As the Dr Guillotin described, nothing but “un rapide souffle d’air frais sur la nuque”, a quick breath of fresh air on the back of the neck. Et voilà. Ok I think I just killed the mood. 

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