In this PERFECT SPELLING free sample lesson, you will find 2 video + 1 audio + 2 PDF files. This is 1 of the 20 lessons of the course. Hope you enjoy it! Visit the COURSES page to learn about the full PERFECT SPELLING course! The other classes from the full course cover : Grammar & conjugation points each dictée will focus on : Dictée # 1 : Present tense Dictée # 2 : Past tenses – imparfait & passé composé Dictée # 3 : Future tenses – futur proche & futur simple Dictée # 4 : Conditional, imparfait, asking questions (sample lesson here) Dictée # 5 : Imperative form Dictée # 6 : First group verbs all tenses Dictée # 7: Second group verbs all tenses Dictée # 8 : Third group verbs all tenses Dictée # 9 : Numbers Dictée # 10 : Prepositions That's a total of 20 videos (10 videos for the preparation of each dictée topic + 10 videos of the actual dictée) + 10 audio files if you want to make the exercise more challenging by not seeing my mouth dictating + 10 PDF with both the French text along with the English translation, so that you can evaluate yourself when you’re done taking notes.
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