The joys and hardships when moving to France

If you don’t follow my blog on first of all you should because there are lots of things that don’t come through youtube 😉 and second you might not know yet that I have moved back to France. That’s right, after spending 7 years in England and 7 years in...
Controversial Anti-War French Man

Controversial Anti-War French Man

For those of you who didn’t know it yet, after spending 7 years in England and 7 years in the US, I have moved back to France. I’ll share more about this in the following weeks. So! While I organize my new video setting I decided to remain in the Boris Vian theme...

Test your French Comprehension in 3 minutes

…and 34 seconds. I mean it, sometimes that’s all it takes: 3 minutes and 34 seconds.  Remember last month’s blog post about the uncanny ressemblance between French president Emmanuel Macron and French artist Boris Vian? If not, go see it and come back afterwards...

What NOT to do in France

Here is a very useful list of what not to do in France. Yes countries are different, cultures are different. Some things are done here and seem perfectly normal yet they’re not done there and they will make you look like a weirdo or worse… rude! 1- DON’T HUG...

French Greetings Typical Mistakes

You probably already know bonjour et au revoir and you might also have already heard and used salut. So today I want to go a little deeper in the greetings so you become aware of the mistakes that most students make even when they have a fairly good level. 1- Bonjour...

French Président Macron Alter Ego

Do you know who the French President Macron’s alter ego from the past is? I know I don’t usually do 2 written posts consecutively but I just had to share something with you, something that I realized only a few days ago and that astounded me! You probably know that on...
Become a little bitin 3 easy steps

Learn how to incorporate frenchness in your every day life with this free 3 step mini course

Become a little bit
in 3 easy steps

Learn how to incorporate frenchness in your every day life with this free 3 step mini course

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