600 Words

Did you know you could converse, that is speak and understand, in French with only 600 words? Did you know the average French person only uses between 300 and 3000 words on a daily basis? This means that if you can master a relatively short list of words, you’ll be able to express yourself like the average French person!

Building Words

Teaching you the 63 have to know building words in French!

Adjectives - Adjectifs

Showcasing 91 “Must-Know” French Adjectives.

Nouns - Noms

Let’s not forget the must need to know nouns – yes, all 305 of them…

Verbs - Verbes

And, the all-important Conjugated Verbs, 491 to be exact!

French tutor Virginie

When I started French Truly in 2013, I realized that all my passions: philosophy (working on my PhD) & literature, history & geopolitics, exploring foreign languages & cultures, even opera singing & meditation were, in fact, a fabulous strength and opportunity to build on and create the most encompassing French experience for you!

Ready to get started?

Become a little bitin 3 easy steps

Learn how to incorporate frenchness in your every day life with this free 3 step mini course

Become a little bit
in 3 easy steps

Learn how to incorporate frenchness in your every day life with this free 3 step mini course

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