This is my pre-Christmas present to you!
A little piece of French Heaven, or should I say, un P’tit Paradis!

Ok this is all a bit abstract so let’s go straight to the point.
There is an adorable café here in Pélussin called Le P’tit Paradis and I just know you would love it. You can tell right away the owner François put his whole heart in it. So much that he called it his little heaven.

And it really is a little heaven.
So here’s what I did for you.
I interviewed François in his café restaurant in French and added the French subtitles so you could follow and not only practice your French but also learn what French business culture is like, what it takes to open a little business like his in France, and the amount of love and courage and dedication you need to walk down that path.
I truly admire that.
I too am a business owner but it’s basically me, my head, my computer, and my camera. Not quite the same level of investment and risk taking!
Anyway, let’s not make you wait any longer! Please meet François on video before maybe one day you’ll meet him in person here in the bucolic and peaceful French countryside?

I’m very lucky that I live right next to this café! Merci François!