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Let’s discover Lyon… cinéma

Writer's picture: Virginie ParadisVirginie Paradis

Today I’m taking you on a virtual trip to my wonderful home town LYON! Did you know it was the second biggest city in France?

Not many people know Lyon. Everybody goes to Paris! Sad, but nice at the same time because at least it’s not packed with tourists! Bonus!!!

Lyon is a big city: 2 million inhabitants. That means it’s highly cultural, rich, beautiful, and quite frankly, fascinating!

Here’s one cool fact about Lyon. It is where the cinema was invented!

Let me tell you a little story…

In 1895, les frères Lumière, in English the brothers Lumière invented a machine called “le cinématographe” that was able to do 3 things:



3-Project (in front of lots of people!)

No one had done that before!

And maybe it was their destiny because guess what their last name Lumière means in English??? It means Light! As in “I see the light” light.

How cool is it to be called Light and to invent the cinema?

Now why am I sharing this? Because they lived, worked, and invented in Lyon! In fact the very first movie made ever shows a scene of Lyon, it shows workers coming out of their factory. 

You can also visit their gorgeous château looking house in Lyon in the neighborhood now called Lumière and have a look at all their fascinating inventions. Cinema was only one of them!

My French Maman & I organize and guide tours in Lyon!

I grew up there and she lives there. So if you are interested in joining one of our trips, you would certainly have a very authentic experience!

PS: The September trip on the website is almost full so I’m opening a second one from Oct 3rd to Oct 12th 2016, it’s not yet on the site but it will be soon 🙂

And stay tuned because next week, I’m bringing you another Lyon video, and the following week, my Maman will be on it! Youpi!

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